Backing B2B tech champions headquartered in Hong Kong and Singapore
Betatron funds early-stage B2B tech startups disrupting Asia’s largest industries: manufacturing, logistics, finance, trade, communications and environmental technology.
Betatron portfolio companies leverage the enormous commercial strengths enjoyed by two of the world’s most advanced cities: flourishing startup ecosystems, vibrant investor communities, strong government support, favorable tax incentives, multi-national company headquarters, and IPO-friendly stock markets.
About Betatron
Betatron believes the future is Asian. Asia will remain the world’s factory for the foreseeable future. At the same time, Asia is vulnerable to climate, financial and political risks, so the companies Betatron will back are the most resilient ones who are transforming traditional large industries with technology.
Betatron looks for companies that are operating or incorporated in either Singapore or Hong Kong, who are running B2B asset-light technology businesses that are disrupting large, traditional industries in Asia, including manufacturing, finance, construction, environmental technology, trade and healthcare. Writing first checks of up to US$2 million in seed to series A funding rounds, we can also write follow-on investments.
Most of Betatron’s portfolio companies are hiring, selling, and growing across multiple markets in Asia. You need a partner who has seen these challenges before to smooth the process.
As you grow, you’ll need more people to sell than just the founders. Betatron will help you build the team and processes require for successful cross border enterprise sales and negotiations.
As a founder, you need to know what works and doesn’t in your industry, so Betatron works hard to keep you informed. For example, we host events like Warehouse Logistics Day to bring together founders who can share what’s working and what is not in different markets.